When to take Supplements and Medications

So often I meet with people who are already taking pharmaceutical medications. When we discuss taking nutritional supplements, one of the first questions is “Is it safe to take this with my medication?”

This is where I have to use my professional knowledge to help answer that question but one thing that remains the same is that we never ever take a supplement or natural product at the same time as a medication. We always want to allow two hours between taking these types of things.

If we take a medication and a natural product together, it can change the way the medication works - making it stronger normally or weaker some times.

It’s always important to know what the supplement you are taking is supposed to do for you. Then you want to ask yourself if this would compete with or affect you if the medication you’re taking is doing something similar. Start low and slow on supplements and monitor how they make you feel and always discuss medications and supplements with a medical professional.

It may be confusing to take pharmaceuticals and natural supplements together